This work deals with the ultrasonic destruction of water solution of pentachlorophenol (further referred to as PCP). The results obtained have been consulted with ESIGEC Universite de Savoie, Laboratoire de Genie des Procedes, France, in the frame of contract signed between our laboratories.

For dissolution of pentachlorophenol the solution of sodium hydroxid in distilled water was pre- pared. After dissolution of pentachlorophenol, pH of a solution was corrected by a phosphoric acid on 5 - 6. The concentration of pentachlorophenol was in a gamut 10 - 60 mg/l.

The ultrasonic activator generated a sound with frequency 5 kHz and sound-energy flux density (force of a sound) approximately 1 MW/m2. On the device he concerns to a class of hydrodynamic kettles of a rotor type. The sound-energy flux density of our equipment in 10 - 20 times is exceeded by a sound-energy flux density of usual kettles widely now in use in scientific research and in industrial technology. The activator is made of usual constructional steel and has a drive unit from the asynchronous electromotor with power of 5,5 kW and velocity of gyration 2950 rev/min.

Volume of a circuital contour of equipment (activator - piping arrangement - tank) is equal to 10 litres. After insert of the activator the solution constantly circulated through the activator. During work selected tests of a solution from equipment for the analysis of concentration of pentachloro- phenol in a solution in a time dependence of processing. Some experiments with various time of processing were executed. The concentration of pentachlorophenol was measured by a method of high presure liquid chromatography in the independent certified laboratory of Research Institute of a Water Facilities in Bratislava and in ESIGEC Universite de Savoie, Laboratoire de Genie des Procedes, France. The results of the analysis are shown in a fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Results And Discussion

The energy expenses in laboratory experiments are shown in a fig. 2. The dependence of energy expenses in experiments is inserted into the diagram of changes of concentration PCP. From this comparisons it is visible, that energyconsumption does not exceed 70 kWh/m3 in all experiments. In comparison with the french equipment it almost in 10 times is lower. At transition to the plant of our type energyconsumption it is possible considerably (in 10 - 100 times) to lower.

Whether our opponents often ask there is any guarantee that during ultrasonic processing of dangerous wastes more dangerous wastes will not be synthesized. The answer to this question unique, yes such guarantee exists and she is incorporated in the principle of activity of process of cavity destruction of a substance in the widest concept of this word. To explain this principle it is necessary to illuminate the following.

The cavitation bubbles at the moment of the collapse squeezes a particular part of a solution. In a squeezed part of a solution there are all initial builders of a solution approximately in the same relation, as in an initial solution. During squeezing the electronic shells of atoms are deformed, the electrons thus impinge on nucleuses and being joined with protons transmute them into neutrons [1, 2]. The neutronizatly nucleus merge in one major nuclei, which is in a squeezed state. After ending a collapse the energy of squeezing of a nuclei is voided and breaks off a nuclei on such quantity fragments, which is necessary for equalizations of an aggregate binding energy of all debrises with energy of a collapsing cavitation bubble. The energy of a collapsing cavitation bubble depends on initial parameters of a ultrasonic cavitation and some physical properties of a solution.

Fig. 2.

Initial parameters of a ultrasonic cavitation we in what that of a degree are able to erect and to support during experiment. During 25-year's experience of work with our equipments always before a cut-in the purpose was put and always in result only of hand-operated guidance of equipment this purpose was reached. Unfortunately, all our equipments because of financial restrictions have only hand-operated guidance.

Below on an example PCP we shall show as during cavity destruction of substance it is possible to receive complete liquidation of a waste.

  1. The decomposition of molecule PCP on separate atoms
  2. C6Cl5OH à 6C + 5C1 + O + H + Q1

    Energy of chemical bond [3] in a molecule PCP is given in tab. 1.

    Table 1

    Chemical bond

    Energy, Q

    Chemical bond

    Energy, Q

    KJ/mol eV KJ/mol eV
    O-H -39 -0,4 C-C -331 -3,44
    C-O -333 -3,45 C=C -588 -6,1
    C-Cl -318 -3,3      

    Aggregate energy of chemical bond

    Q1 = 3QC-C + 3QC=C + 5QC-Cl + QC-O + QO-H

    Q1 = - 48,97 eV (a sign the minus specifies an endothermicity of reaction)

    2. The decomposition of three nuclei of carbon on separate protons and neutrons

    C à 6× p + 6× n + Q2

    Energy of reaction [4]

    Q2 = QC - 6× Qp - 6× Qn

    Q2 = - 92,16 MeV

    Binding energy of three nucleuses of carbon

    S Q2 = 3× Q2 = - 276,48 MeV

    3. The decomposition of nucleus 35Cl.

    In a nature there are two stable isotopes of chlorine: 35Cl, 37Cl with a percentage relation 75,77 % and 24,23 %, accordingly.

    35Cl à 18O + 17F + Q3

    Energy of reaction

    Q3 = QCl-35 - QO-18 - QF-17

    Q3 = -26,227 MeV

    Aggregate energy of five responses in view of percentage of an isotope 35Cl

    S Q3 = 5× 0,7577× Q3 = -99,361 MeV

    4. The transmutation reaction of a radioactive 17F in stable 17O

    17F à 17O + b +1.7: T = 64.8 sek + Q4

    Energy of reaction

    Q4 = QF-17 - QO-17 - Qb

    Q4 = + l, 06 MeV

    Aggregate energy of five responses in view of percentage of an isotope 35Cl

    S Q4 = 5× 0,7577× Q4 = + 4,02 MeV

    5. The decomposition of nuclei 37Cl

    37Cl à 16O + 17F + 4× n + Q5

    Energy of reaction

    Q5 = QCl-37 - QO-16 - QF-17 - 4× Qn

    Q5 = - 61,259 MeV

    Aggregate energy of five responses in view of percentage of an isotope 37Cl

    S Q5 = 5× 0,2423× Q5 = - 74,215 MeV

    6. The decomposition reaction 17F in 17O is described in item 4.

    Aggregate energy of five decomposition reactions in view of percentage of an isotope 37Cl

    S Q6 = 5× 0,2423× Q6 = + 1,28 MeV

    7. The decomposition reaction of neutrons [5]

    n à p + e + Q7

    Energy of a decomposition reaction of a neutron

    Q7 = Qn - Qp - Qe

    Q7 = + 0,728 MeV

    Aggregate energy of decomposition reactions of neutrons in view of percentage of an isotope 37Cl

    S Q7 = 5× 0,24234× Q7 = + 3,53 MeV

    8. Fusion reaction of oxygen

    12C + 4× n à 16O + Q8

    Energy of reaction

    Q8 = QC-12 + 4× Qn - QO-16

    Q8 = + 37,021 MeV

    Aggregate energy of three fusion reactions of oxygen

    S Q8 = 3× Q8 = + 111,063 MeV

    9. Fusion reaction of water

    O + 2× H à H2O + Q9

    Energy of reaction

    Q9 = QO + 2× QH - QH2O

    Q9 = + 35,5 eV

    Aggregate energy 14 fusion reactions of water

    S Q9 = 14× Q9 = 497 eV

    As a result of reactions (1, 3 - 7) 14 atoms of oxygen are gained. From reactions (1, 2, 7) 29 atoms of hydrogen are gained. From this gang of atoms 14 molecules of water and 1 free ion of hydrogen will turn out. In reactions (1, 3 - 7) the different isotopes of oxygen with an atomic weight 16, 17 and 18 are gained. Medial of the statistical atomic weight of oxygen in this case is equal 16,96. Therefore medial of the statistical molecular weight of synthesized water is equal 18,96. Aggregate molecular mass of synthesized water is equal 265,44 (molecular mass PCP is equal 266,34).

    10. If to combine the term by term right and left-hand parts of the equations (1 - 9), as a result of addition it will turn out very simple, at the same time rather unusual equation featuring result of activity of chemical and nuclear reactions.

    C6Cl5OH à 14× H2O + H + Q10

    At algebraic addition of energy builders of all responses proceeding in the given technological process, the energetics of aggregate process will come to light.

    The aggregate energy process of cavity destruction PCP is endothermic. The energy for its realization is delivered by the cavitations bubbles. The laboratory activator generates approximately 3× 1011 bub./sec. Everyone a bubble in a collapse donates approximately 1021 eV. Hence, is present for use approximately 3× 1028 eV/sec. It is enough of this quantity of energy for destruction 9× 1019 molecules PCP/sec, i.e. 0,15 mmol/sec or 40 mg/sec. In our experiments we reached an output 0,26 - 0,40 mg/sec. The specific expenses of the electric power for destruction PCP in laboratory variant make approximately 2,7 kWh/g. At transition to industrial activtor this quantity can be reduced approximately in 300 times (differently in 300 times to raise productivity of the kettle).

    The aggregate energy process of cavity destruction PCP is endothermic. The energy for its realization is delivered by the cavitations bubbles. The laboratory activator generates approximately 3× 1011 bub./sec. Everyone a bubble in a collapse donates approximately 1021 eV. Hence, is present for use approximately 3× 1028 eV/sec. It is enough of this quantity of energy for destruction 9× 1019 molecules PCP/sec, i.e. 0,15 mmol/sec or 40 mg/sec. In our experiments we reached an output 0,26 - 0,40 mg/sec. The specific expenses of the electric power for destruction PCP in laboratory variant make approximately 2,7 kWh/g. At transition to industrial activtor this quantity can be reduced approximately in 300 times (differently in 300 times to raise productivity of the kettle).


    1. The results presented in this paper demonstrate that ultrasonic irradiation decreases the toxicity of a sodium pentachlorophenate significantly, thus eliminating the need for further biological treatment.

    2. Based on the experimental results obtained we assume that the huge amount of energy delivered by the collapsing bubbles is high enough for transmutation of any kind of toxic waste into water.

    3. Moreover the ultrasonic process is economically acceptable. Hence, it may be used at the outlet of industries to direct treatment the concentrated wastewater.


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